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Why Odyssea Divers?

Odyssea Diver

After a long and tiring flight, you will be pleasantly surprised to arrive at Cocotinos in Wori Bay, in little more than 25 min after leaving the airport. 

We are the nearest full-service dive resort to the airport, bar none. Some of our guests have been known to get into the water within two hours of leaving the airport, while guests of others resorts have yet to arrive at theirs. 

 The 25-min car ride is a pleasant one through quaint villages and lush coconut plantations, but without ever sighting the sea. On entering the resort you are greeted by your first view of the stunning bay with the majestic dormant volcano of Manado Tua in the distant horizon. The attentive and cheerful staff will then take care of your every need, from check-in to the handling of your dive equipment and camera gear. 

DXT Nautico, SpainA guest once commented that at Cocotinos, it is "like staying at someone's home, and diving with friends". The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. You will be remembered by the staff and greeted on a first-name basis. 

Odyssea Divers operates the dive centre which is located adjacent to the restaurant. The lobby, restaurant, the spa and guest rooms are all designed around a central pool which makes the resort warm, cosy and  convenient for all guests. You are within minutes of walking distance to your room. The resort land is flat, there are no daunting steep slopes, which means that you spend your energy underwater admiring the fish rather than climbing hills a few times a day.

The rooms are designed with attention to details for the comfort and convenience of modern travellers, and divers in particular. The restaurant and pool area are ideal for social interaction, with wifi internet access and power points on every column for you to plug in your computer and share images with others. After all, a diving holiday is all about having fun with friends and sharing your adventures.

CompressorThe service provided by Odyssea Divers is personal but at the same time, it is also highly professional, with attention to diver safety. Our dive staff are highly trained to make sure that you are well looked after on the boat and under the water. We use high-grade Lawrence Factor filters for all our compressors to ensure quality compressed air and our dive equipment is maintained to European standards. Our dive boats are regularly maintained with more than one engine per boat. Our boats are equipped with life jackets, communication radios, portable oxygen (DAN) and emergency medical kits. Our dive staff are trained to administer CPR and basic first aid.

A free flow of water and hot beverages is available on board. Our packed lunch for those who stay out for three dives is delicious and more than ample. For the sake of hygiene, your towel and mug are labeled with your name and when you return from your dive we have a cool (or hot) face towel waiting for you at the jetty.

At Cocotinos in Wori Bay you have some of the “richest reefs” of Indonesia at your doorsteps. A 20-min boat ride from the resort brings you to the Bunaken Marine Park, comprising Bunaken, Siladen, Manado Tua, Montehage and Nain, world renowned for its pristine steep walls and reef tops which are abundant with coral growth and other marine life. The water is warm (27 – 29 degrees Celcius), the sea is calm most of the year (from Feb to Dec), visibility on a good day is up to 30m and most dive sites (over 100) are uncrowded. With over 3000 species of fish found in Indonesian waters, more than half can be found in the waters of North Sulawesi. To make your diving holiday complete, Odyssea Divers organizes overland excursions to Bitung where you can experience the fascinating world of unusual sea creatures in the black sands of Lembeh Straits.

Aaron Wong Andy Goh

We also give high priority to protection and conservation of the marine environment. We practice a “no-glove” (no touching the reefs) and “no-anchor” policy. Our boats are either moored or allowed to drift at the dive site. At the resort, we minimize the use of plastics, encourage recycling and carry out clean-ups of the beach regularly to reduce the impact of rubbish on the sea.

So, when you dive with Odyssea Divers, you know that you will have a great diving holiday in the hands of professionals who take good care of you and also take good care of the marine environment for the enjoyment of future generations.
