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Contact Us

Operational & Reservations Address
Odyssea Divers & Cocotinos, a Boutique Beach Resort
(We are the same Company and one big family!)

Odyssea Divers - Manado
Jaga 3, Desa Kima Bajo, Kecamatan Wori
Kapupaten Minahasa Utara
North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Odyssea Divers - Lombok
Dusun Pandanan, Desa Sekotong Barat, Kec. Sekotong
Kabupaten Lombok Barat
West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Odyssea Divers - Lembeh
Makawidey, Lingkungan 2, Aertembaga,
Bitung 95528, Indonesia

Tel  : +62 (0) 8124308800 (Manado)
       :  +62 (0) 81907972401 (Lombok)
       : +62 (0) 82347437060 (Lembeh)

Fax: +65 67220685
Email: info@cocotinos-manado.com
Email: info.desk@cocotinos-sekotong.com


Postal Mailing Address

Odyssea Divers

P.O. Box 7788
Manado North Sulawesi
95000 Indonesia
Tel: +62 8124308800

(please write our phone number with the address)

Please note that mails to Indonesia is sometimes uncertain and there have been incidences where it took 4 months. Therefore we highly recommend that all important mails to be sent to our Singapore office.

Dont forget, we are in the same time zone as Singapore (GMT +8:00)